Notice of 38th Annual General Meeting (11.05.2022)

Notice of 38th Annual General Meeting (11.05.2022)

Notice is hereby given that the 38th Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at the Association’s premises and via electronic means, on 11th May 2022 (Wednesday) at 6.00pm sharp for the election of Office-Bearers for the period of 2022/2023.

For the purpose of electing Office-Bearers by secret ballot, a ballot paper together with a list of members and a stamped envelope will be sent to you next week. You are therefore requested only to write the number of our members whom you wish to vote for in the spaces provided in the Ballot Paper and return it in the enclosed stamped envelope to reach the Association no later than 25th April 2022 (Monday). Please indicate your interest if you would like to attend the AGM in person, at our SETA office, via email to the Secretariat. Alternatively, you may join the virtual meeting together with other members online. The link to the virtual meeting will be sent in due course

  • To elect a President for Annual General Meeting.
  • To appoint three scrutineers to conduct the secret ballot.
  • Any Other Business.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

Teng Li Mei (Ms)

for President
Singapore Electrical Trades Association

Results of Election for SETA Office-Bearers 2022 / 2023